How Are We Different?
- Our depth of understanding of Western Canadian Organizations' needs and challenges
for today.
- Our experience in developing and presenting skill development programs in different
industries over the last 20 years.
- Our team of Training Specialists have over 80 years of experience in building and
presenting effective training programs in a variety of different industries.
- Our approach to skill development is a participative one, therefore our training
formats focus on involving participants directly in the learning process through:
- BUILDING BLOCKS to increase levels of competency;
- SKILL ASSESSMENT to identify current levels
using a broad suite of assessment tools.
participants in active learning.
- Reinforcement of learning through SKILL PRACTICE
relevant to real life situations and FOLLOW-UP
- Custom Development to meet organizations specific requirement
Wynford Group Leadership Curriculum
Leadership Foundations
- A critical consideration in the design of an effective leadership training and development
program is ensuring the following:
- Relevance to the real world work environment
- Transferability of knowledge to the individual’s work context and environment
- Reinforcement of concepts through practical experience and application
- Integration of individual action plans to ensure
- On-going assessment and reflection
- Our philosophy is to build in mechanisms to support the learning experience
The 5 C's of Supervisor/Team Leadership
1. Communication Skills
This module will assist supervisor and team leaders in understanding and practicing
effective communication and interaction skills; and identify individual areas that
are strengths and those that need further growth and/or development. Leaders, mangers
and employees will leave this module confident and committed to practicing and mastering
their communication skills so they’ll realize better working relationships and accomplish
business results.
Using the participants’ own individual work-related situations, this module will
assist participants to significantly improve their self-awareness, confidence and
mastery in developing and applying their communication skills. Specifically, the
modules will discuss and explore:
- Learning to communicate with clarity and purpose
- Conducting self-assessments of your personal communication strengths and weaknesses
- Broadening awareness of other people’s perspectives
- Developing the ability to be flexible in actions to better adapt to or handle situations
- Exploring ways to identify and avoid communication mistakes
- Learning effective communication and relationship management skills
- The characteristics of ideal communicators
- Building rapport
- Effective listening skills
2. Coaching and Feedback for Performance
This module will support the development of supervisor and team leaders and employees
by helping them and their employees understand and achieve their individual goals
and avoid problems. It also establishes a framework to present the coaching dialogue
in a positive context for both themselves and those employees being coached. Supervisors
and team leaders will learn, experience and practice a proven pragmatic coaching
process. Participants will:
- Identify coaching and feedback opportunities,
- Provide needed coaching, feedback and on-going support,
- Observe performance, and
- Measure results until desired outcomes are achieved.
3. Corrective Actions & Discipline
This module builds the supervisor and team leaders’ skills in understanding and
handling chronic behavioural, performance, work-habit problems and/or serious misconduct
issues. Participants will learn how to:
- Document the problem(s)
- Structure and plan a conflict discussion, and
- Explain what the employee must do to address performance deficiencies.
- Become skilled in discussing and articulating formal consequences while adhering
to your organizations’ disciplinary policies and procedures.
- This module will be designed in order that the key components (i.e. course content,
skills practice, tool/templates, and tips) may be integrated into some of the other
4. Conflict Management
This module enables supervisors and team leaders to understanding their own and
others’ conflict styles and uses role-playing to practice using conflict management
technique. Participants will learn:
- The nature of conflict
- What their personal conflict management style is
- Where to use various conflict management styles
- Effective strategies to diffuse conflict situations and turn them into positive
- Proactive rather than reactive approaches to managing conflict
5. Change
This module builds the supervisor and team leaders’ skills in understanding and
handling individual and organizational change at both a behavioural and performance
level in the workplace. Participants will learn to:
- Understand and connect the impact of the change initiatives to their specific individual
and work unit goals and objectives
- Understand their roles as a “catalyst for change”
- Create an environment that supports change
- Introduce change to their work teams
- Assist and lead employees through the phases of change
- Identify and respond to signs of resistance to change
- Apply concepts learned to a strategy to lead a change in the workplace
Leadership Essentials - Management Level
We propose custom module development to meet your organization’s specific requirements
for the following leadership modules:
- Retaining Talent (leadership & results)
- Leadership Essentials – Self Awareness (including leadership styles)
- Team Development (Assessment and techniques)
- Coaching for Success (Proactive strategies)
- Performance Management
- Leading Change
Executive Coaching - Taking Leadership to the Next Step
One-on-One coaching for on-going leadership development
Additional Curriculum Offerings
1. R-E-S-P-E-C-T in the Workplace
This module develops skills to build and support a work environment which demonstrates
respect, dignity, equity and safety for all employees. Participants will learn to:
- Assess the organization or work team in terms of "workplace climate".
- Understand the legal aspects and implications of harassment, discrimination and
other equity issues.
- "Walk" in another person's shoes (understand their perspective).
- Understand how stereotypes, myths and prejudgments filter our new information and
- Identify and address the barriers to respectful communication.
- Develop practical tools for displacing disrespectful habits and behaviors.
- Develop organizational expectations and programs to promote respect at work.
- Develop practical strategies to sustain a respectful workplace for all employees.
2. Human Resources 101 - Wearing the "HR Hat"
New to management or supervision? This module will introduce the basic cornerstones
of “wearing” your Human Resources “hat” to be successful in managing employee teams
to reach full potential. Participants will learn:
- Fundamentals of recruitment: attract and select the right person for the right job.
- Orientation and ongoing training development: welcome team members and set goals
for performance success.
- Coaching and performance management techniques: set up programs to recognize and
reward contributions and to deal quickly with problems or unsatisfactory performance.
- Termination management: understand legal implications and mitigate risk to managers
and the organization when an employee leaves the team.
3. The Multi-Generational Workplace: Conflict or Opportunities?
With different age groups working side-by-side in the workplace, generational tensions
may simmer among employees. These tensions can result in lower morale, increase
turnover and loss of productivity. Or, they can be channeled into positive, diverse
thinking and a truly engaging workplace full of opportunity! In this module, participants
will learn to:
- Identify the characteristics and traits of various generational categories.
- Match unique values and talents to workforce demographics and goals.
- Implement an action plan to communicate and facilitate understanding of generational
expectations throughout the organization.
4. Dealing with Difficult People
Do managers, employees or customers purposely set out to be “difficult”? Often having
to deal with difficult people is a result of misunderstanding, misperception or
incorrect information. Individual styles and reactions are the often the simple
key to learning to diffuse difficult situation and deal with people in a positive
manner. This module will help participants:
- Assess the nature or reason for the difficulty.
- Identify and understand conflict management styles and response to various conflict
- Learn to use communication style and conflict resolution techniques to successfully
diffuse difficult situations or people issues.
5. Customer Service Excellence
Providing great customer service requires a unique combination of skills and means
always doing your best, sometimes under stressful conditions. In this module participants
will learn to:
- What is the impact of unhappy customers?
- Identify customer needs and expectations.
- The Customer Service Cycle.
- Strategies to understand and respond effectively to specific customer behaviors
and get your desired outcome.
- Keep a winning attitude while taking care of customers.
For more information, contact The Wynford Group at 1-877-264-5166 or